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(function ($) { $.load_news = function(initdata, ajax_offset){ window.ajax_offset = ajax_offset; var ajaxutl = '/ajax/result.php'; var init_data = { limit : 0, offset : window.ajax_offset, tbname : '', classid : 0, order : '', dom : '', click_dom : '' } init_data = $.extend({}, init_data, initdata); var result_lang = { data_0 : '<font color="red" size="+1">暂无数据</font>', tbname_not : '没有此数据表' } $.post( ajaxutl, init_data, function(data){ var data = data; if(data.status=='data_0') { // 没有数据了~~~~ $(init_data.dom).append(result_lang[data.status]); // 移除click $(init_data.click_dom).remove(); // 设置按钮 //$(init_data.click_dom).attr('disabled', 'disabled'); return false; } $(init_data.dom).append(data.html); window.ajax_offset =data.offset; }, 'json' ); } })(jQuery); $(function(){ $("#click").click(function(){ $.load_news({ limit : 20, // 每次查询多少条 tbname : 'news', // 数据表名称 classid : 3, // 栏目ID order : 'desc', // 排序 dom : '#html', // 向哪个DOM节点中插入数据 ID请填写# class填写. 例如<div id="html"> 填写 #html click_dom : '#click' // 触发事件的DOM },window.ajax_offset); }) })
<?php include '../e/class/connect.php'; // 数据库配置文件与公共函数文件 include '../e/class/db_sql.php'; // 数据库操作文件 include '../e/data/dbcache/class1.php'; // 栏目缓存文件 $link = db_connect(); // 链接数据库 $empire = new mysqlquery(); // 实例化数据库操作类 $p = $_POST; // 简写post $_POST = null; // 释放post $filter = 'RepPostVar'; // 过滤非法数据 $tbname = $filter($p['tbname']); // 数据表名 // 判断表是否存在 if( !$tbname || in_array($tbname, $etable_r) ) { die( json_encode( array('status'=>'tbname_not') ) ); } // 栏目ID $classid = (int) $p['classid']; // order $order = $filter($p['order']); // 查询偏移量 $offset = (int) $p['offset']; if( $order == 'desc' && $offset != 0 ) { $where_offset = ' and id < '.$offset; }else { $where_offset = ''; } if($order == 'asc') { $where_offset = ' and id > '.$offset; } $where = ' WHERE 1'; $where .= $classid?' AND `classid` = '.$classid:''; $where .= $where_offset; $order = 'ORDER BY id '.$order; $limit = (int) $p['limit']; $limit = 'LIMIT '.$limit; $sql = "SELECT {$maxid}id,classid,newspath,filename,groupid,titleurl,title FROM `{$dbtbpre}ecms_{$tbname}` {$where} {$order} {$limit}"; $num=$empire->num($sql); if($num<1){ die( json_encode( array('status'=>'data_0', 'sql'=>$sql) ) ); } $query = $empire->query($sql); $last = 0; $html = ''; while($r=$empire->fetch($query)){ $last = $r['id']; $url = sys_ReturnBqTitleLink($r); $html.= <<<HTML_LIST <li>id --- $r[id]<a href="{$url}">$r[title]</a></li> HTML_LIST; } die( json_encode( array('status'=>'ok', 'html'=>$html, 'offset'=>$last, 'sql'=>$sql) ) ); ?>
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